Roasted Butternut Squash Cheesy Pockets
/I LOVE pumpkin season; the colors, textures, flavors… all of it! Every fall I fill the bowl on my kitchen counter with an array of odd shaped gourds, Delicata squash, acorn, butternut and more.
Pumpkin varieties - Courtesy of 100 Layer Cake
It seems every year, more vintage varieties show up in markets, apple orchards and pumpkin patches. Some have deep, dark orange hues, while others are a soft sagey green, or even white.
More pumpkin varieties - Courtesy of 100 Layer Cake
Local farms are brimming with choice pumpkins & gourds
However, my go-to favorite is butternut squash. Simply cut in half and roasted with a shower of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper - it is creamy with a hint of sweetness and perfect for soups and fillings. Peel it and dice the squash and you can Sauté it, roast it, fry it and add to salads, pastas, mix with herbs and nuts for a side dish - and the list goes on…
simply roasted butternut squash: olive oil, salt & pepper
My latest incarnation for roasted butternut squash is simply an extension of my love of bourekas. Yes, that Israeli crispy-soft dough filled with salty cheese, crumbling as you bite and flooding your mouth with warm savory flavors.
fall colors at their best!
So, why not a fall flavored one, combining aromatic sage, colorful red onion, a hint of garlic and some roasted butternut squash with cheesy creaminess? I also used a pretty simple and straightforward recipe to create a tender and flavorful, easy to roll out dough.
My assembly line
I formed these pockets, which I brushed with an egg wash and sprinkled with Everything seasoning for added flavor and crunch.
cooling & waiting for hungry mouths
Hand held snack, appetizer, lunch on the go - however you choose to eat it… up to you!
all shapes, colors & forms…