Italian Take on Shakshuka - Quick and Easy
/Tolaini Winery in Tuscany where the people are as great as the wine!
I’ve been thinking of Italy, remembering our trips there, the wonderful people we met, the delicious meals we shared and the wonderful wines we drank. My heart aches for the Italian people and that beautiful country.
Small family owned winery in Chianti producing fantastic olive oil as well
As I am putting together a Shakshouka lunch for my husband and daughter, my hands reach on their own for oregano, instead of cumin and the next thing I know, my gently simmering eggs smell more like a Florentine osteria than a Tel Aviv restaurant…
Francesco, our truffle hunting guide at Torciano WInery explained the nuances of white truffles
As we are all cooking at home these days and scrambling to feed ourselves and our loved ones, we are all in the same boat! And while I will admit that my pantry would put some grocery stores to shame… I, too, look for easy, quick and healthy recipes that will nourish our bodies and souls in this uncertain time.
Best, simplest dish of pasta and white truffles - in season, of course!
So, as a red, green and white tribute to the Italian flag and to the wonderful Italian people, here is my version of Uova Piccante In Purgatorio - Eggs in Purgatory.
Tomato & Power Greens Shakshouka in Italian color
The quirky and beautiful at the Arezzo Antique Market
The Arezzo Antique Market - What a treasure trove!