Land of Milk & Honey: An Israeli Shavuot - Cooking Class
/Bourekas Spiral Pie - Live Class Coming Up!
Shavuot was one of my favorite holidays during my Israeli childhood. What’s for a child not to love? I participated in parades at school, my head decorated in a wreath of greenery and flowers. Several summery vacation days were full of outdoor play and my Mom’s delicious holiday foods. The crowning glory were the cheesecakes; some baked tall, light and fragrant with lemon zest and vanilla, while others were made of deceptively simple layers of unbaked quark style cheese flavored with chocolate and vanilla, married together by vanilla cookies dipped in coffee. Sounds a lot like Tiramisu, doesn’t it?
Once I moved to the U.S and married, I discovered that Shavuot was relegated to the “Obscure and Not Often Celebrated” holiday list. You know that list: lag Ba’omer, Tu B’shvat, even Purim makes an appearance on it on occasion… So, I try and celebrate it at home with my Mom’s food and Israeli flavors that take me back to my roots and reinforces my family’s connection to Israel.
In that spirit, this year, I am offering a Live Shavuot Cooking Class in partnership with The Great Big Jewish Food Fest. My menu is vegetarian, based on the biblical Seven Species: Dates, Figs, Pomegranates, Grapes, Olives, Oats & Wheat. The 4 dish menu also includes 2 vegan recipes. I am excited to share my love of the vibrant, developing and evolving Israeli cuisine and my passion for flavor with all of you!
Our Menu:
Labneh w/Thyme Roasted Dates & Figs
Jeweled Lentil Pilaf
Spiral Bourekas Pie
Herb Infused Fruit Compote w/ Oat Crumble
The Class will go live on Mideast to Midwest Facebook page, Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 6pm ET, 5Pm CT, 3pm PT.
To register for the class, Please go to: The Great Big Jewish Food Fest
Check out the full roster of events - Many exciting choices!!